“Something that I really want people to know is that it’s ok to feel.” Austin-based singer-songwriter CAELIN makes this message clear in her emotionally transparent songs backed by strong, rootsy grooves and powerful vocals. Her music has a dreamy, ethereal air to them but does not get lost up in the clouds. They’re firmly grounded by Americana dramatics and CAELIN's authentic songwriting. Taking the emotionally relatable lyrics of Faye Webster, the sweet pop hooks of Maggie Rogers, the indie experimentation of Men I Trust and versatile vocal chops of Billie Eilish — all prominent influences of hers —, CAELIN crafts powerful, melodic journeys exploring self-worth and introspection.
A lifelong, natural-born performer originally from the Bay Area, CAELIN moved to Austin, Texas, in 2015 due to the encouragement of folk musician Jimmy LaFave, who wanted to work with her after becoming a fan once hearing her music. However, once receiving some formative advice from Jimmy, she didn’t jump straight into working in the industry and instead took the time to enroll in college at St. Edward’s University and figure out more about who she was. When CAELIN was ready to make music after two years of school had gone by, Jimmy had unfortunately passed.
Jimmy's passing, in combination with her being away from home for the first time, led to CAELIN delving deeper into her craft, looking inward in order to understand her emotions more and writing about it through her songs. This shines through in her music, with themes of vulnerability, resilience and strength permeating throughout her honest, straightforward lyrics. Having written the majority of her current batch of songs in 2020, a time when she was taking in a lot of new musical influences and honing in on her music-making process, CAELIN sought out help in wanting to learn how to produce her own music. This led to her collaborating with Austin singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Mobley, and together they co-produced these songs that exist at the crossroads of groove-based indie pop and contemporary folk.
Despite playing guitar and keys, CAELIN lets her vocals take center-stage on the songs that’ll constitute her debut album. Documenting her experiences in interpersonal relationships, both romantic and platonic, these tracks also chronicle her relationship with herself post-grad as she learns more about who she is. Whether stripping it back and baring her soul on acoustic cuts like “Save Me From Me” and “Better,” or commanding attention with her vocal chops on “Look Me In The Eye,” CAELIN’s autonomy in executing her creative vision is always evident. From these songs, regardless of whether they’re powerful or emotionally tender, she hopes people walk away with a sense of calmness, healing and comfort.